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Segundo Barrio Children's Chorus is an outlet for creative expression and learning for your child, and we want to meet them!
We offer both Afterschool and Summer Camp Programs to engage with children and families year round.
Currently, we are accepting registrations for our 4-week Summer Music Intensive Camp. No audition required.
This is the perfrect opportunity for you and your child to become a part of the Segundo Barrio Children's Chorus Family.
$10 - Non-Refundable Registration Fee
The 2025 Summer Music Enrichment Camp will run from June 9th - July 3rd, culminating in a final public community concert "Concierto Comunitario" on July 3rd at 1pm.
Children will receive rigorous musical and vocal instruction, including classes in Music Literacy, Solfége, Rhythm Reading, Vocal Anatomy, Choral Singing, & Performance. We utilize this training to teach important skills like focus, teamwork, public presentation, confidence and creative expression. Our program is aimed at building young musicians while instilling a strong sense of pride in cultural identity. These life skills are proven to increase overall academic outcomes, helping to reduce drop out rates.
Here are some important details about the camp. / Aquí están los detalles sobre el campamento.
Dates: June 9th - July 3rd
Breakfast/Lunch: a breakfast snack and hot lunch will be provided free of charge to all children however if your child has any food allergies, we recommend you pack a lunch for them to bring to prevent any possible allergic reactions.
Times: Monday - Thursday - 8:00am - 12:30pm
Final Public Concert: Thursday, July 3rd 1:00pm
For Children Ages 5-7, Trinity Church Downtown, 800 Houston Ave. Houston, Tx 77007
For Children Ages 8-12, Houston Community College, Felix Fraga Campus, 301 N Drennan St. Houston, Tx 77003
NO COST OPTION: For families living within Harris County. MUST AGREE TO ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS. Families also receive a waiver for the $50 dollar supplies fee.
Attendance Requirement: In order to qualify for free tuition, children must attend for all 4 weeks of program including Final Concert. If you have a family vacation planned during our camp, that conflicts with our class dates, then please consider the partial camp PAID OPTION.
Paid Option: If you would like to have your child participate for only a portion of the camp then our fee structure is as follows:
$350/week per child plus $50 supplies fee
Final Concert: Segundo Barrio Children's Chorus sets a high standard for its Students. Our Final concert is a major event for the community and is attended by community leaders and elected officials.
Fechas: 9 de junio - 3 de julio
Desayuno/Almuerzo: se proporcionará un esnack de desayuno y un almuerzo caliente de forma gratuita a todos los niños; sin embargo, si su hijo tiene alguna alergia alimentaria, le recomendamos que le lleve un almuerzo al campamento para evitar posibles reacciones alérgicas.
Horario: Lunes - Jueves - 8:00 am - 12:30 pm
Concierto público final: Jueves, 3 de julio 1:30 p.m.
Para niños de 5 a 7 años, Trinity Church Downtown, 800 Houston Ave. Houston, Tx 77007
Para niños de 8 a 12 años, Houston Community College, Felix Fraga Campus, 301 N Drennan St. Houston, Tx 77003
Opción sin costo: Para familias que viven dentro del condado de Harris y QUE ACEPTEN EL REQUISITO DE ASISTENCIA. Las familias también reciben una exención en la tarifa de suministros de $ 50
Requisito de asistencia: para calificar para la matrícula gratuita, los niños deben asistir durante las 4 semanas del programa, incluido el Concierto final. Si tiene unas vacaciones familiares planeadas durante nuestro campamento, que estan en conflicto con las clases, considere la OPCIÓN DE PAGO.
Opción de Pago: Si desea que su hijo participe solo durante una parte del campamento, nuestra estructura de tarifas es la siguiente: $350/semana por niño más una tarifa de suministros de $50
Concierto Final: El Segundo Barrio Children's Chorus establece un alto estándar para sus estudiantes. Nuestro concierto final es un evento muy importante para la comunidad y asisten líderes comunitarios y funcionarios electos.
Por este motivo debemos exigir la asistencia obligatoria durante las 4 semanas del programa.
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